Thursday, January 28, 2010

I Will Rise: by Hannah Ford

“There’s a day that’s drawing near, when this darkness breaks to light. And the shadows disappear, and my faith will be my eyes!” The day is coming and it’s coming soon! The darkness will break to a bright light. The shadows of the world, the shadow s of sin will disappear. This world will be here no longer. Our lives, friends, possessions will be completely out of the picture. Our faith will be our eyes. This is the coming day that we are living for. Nothing at all will matter when we stand before the God of Creation except whether we were covered by the blood of the lamb or not. Abby was covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. The Lord opened her eyes and showed her sin. The power of the Holy Spirit overwhelmed her and she confessed her sin which God forgave. He had chosen Abby to belong to Him. Abby’s only boast was in Jesus Christ. If we are not covered by the blood of the Lamb, we are doomed for destruction. Let us cry out to an all sovereign God to pour out His underserved mercy upon our unworthy heads. He is faithful. He is faithful to fulfill His promises and He is faithful to bring good out of all He sends our way. Abby’s death will produce much good in the lives of all those touched by it. Her passing and new life has brought me back into the perspective I needed. Here are several observations and lessons that death teaches us.
Firstly, “Life is but a vapor.” Our earthly lives are only a mist, a passing shadow, a vapor. We are here only for a short time. We are not promised one more day and should live each day unexpectant of another. We cannot make the earthly assumption that we will live for seventy-five or eighty years. Abby was fourteen; we could die anytime. We must be prepared and should never be guilty of putting off “religion” till a later date. We should never put off investing in the lives of others thinking Oh, I’ll have plenty of time. “Today is the day of Salvation.”
Secondly, every person leaves a legacy behind. Abby left a legacy; our Papaw left a legacy; Charles Darwin left a legacy. We will too. We do not want any regrets. If our name was called tonight would we have glorified Christ alone or would we have left a worldly heritage. Would our friends and family remember us as being about things of eternal worth or passing things. The legacy Abby left was real and lasting because her God was and is and always will be real – even until the end of the age.
Thirdly, we do not always understand the ways of an all Sovereign God. We are so small in comparison to the God we serve. We may not understand all of His ways. I mean, why Abby? She could have had many children to raise them as warriors for You? She had so much potential to advance the Christian faith? I know. What worldly thoughts. But, because of our fallen nature, we do wonder. Our only hope is to with a child-like faith trust that our God had a plan. His purposes are wonderful. He is totally Sovereign.
Fourthly, life is only a journey. It is so easy for us to be tied to the things of this world and think that this is our life. This world is not our home. We are to live as strangers here. We should be homesick for our real home – heaven! But, it’s easy to get comfortable down here. It’s all we know. We go to church, profess Christ, and might say we long for heaven; but, do we actually “have our thing” down on earth that we are strongly attached to. May God have mercy on us all. When we recall the fact that God may call us home tomorrow we might think quickly “But I’ve got to…” Whoa! This is where we shockingly err. What have we to do that would collide with God’s Sovereign plan? Our chief goal is to “glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” We cannot let anything or any plan or any person of ours get in the way of that purpose. We should honestly test our hearts and see that we are not tied to any worldly thing and that we are always ready to go Home.
Lastly, “Better is one day in thy courts than a thousand elsewhere.” Heaven is a glorious place! Better is one day there than a thousand down here. “No more sorrow no more pain.” Abby’s tears are wiped away. She has no more pain. Abby is free of sin. Abby is forever free of sorrow. Abby will see no more darkness! She is hearing the voice of many angels singing, “Worthy is the lamb.” Abby’s home going may bring up questions and sorrow. “But it is the Lord’s doing, and ought to be marvelous in our eyes.” “Even He that sits on the white horse, who is called faithful and true, and judges and fights righteously, whose garments are dipped in blood and whose name was called the Word of God. For He shall rule with a rod of iron…and he has upon His garment…a name written: the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.” Abby is with this King of Kings. She is in those glorious courts of the Lamb right now. She is here only because, “Jesus has overcome and the grave is overwhelmed. The victory is won. Abby has risen to be with Jesus. We, too, will rise when He calls our name. No more sorrow; no more pain. We will rise on eagle’s wings; before our God fall on our knees. And rise. We will rise. The day is drawing near. “Behold, I am coming soon. Yes, I am coming soon. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.”
April 23, 2009

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