Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fit for the King: Katie Sherrod (aunt)

If life were fair, I tremble with great fear at what I truly deserve. Why, O Great God? Why are you so good to us? I do not have an answer. I am overwhelmed by your grace and mercy. We thank you, Mighty God, for the gift of Abby. You knew how much we needed her in our lives. We surely did not deserve such a blessing. Her life was absolutely beautiful and its impact and message will continue to speak. What a beautiful little bride who was ready to meet her Maker - the perfect Bridegroom - appointed at the proper time! She was clothed in pure white and adorned with the rare jewels of a gentle and quiet spirit (1 Pet 3:4)- a deep settled confidence of knowing God is in control. Abby's life story is well-written and complete. Our Author makes no mistake.

Warrior chicks never quit, they only get tougher when the battles come! Thank you, sweet Abby, for being a living example of what it means to be a passionate follower of Jesus! Your life has inspired me to fight for the cause of Christ with greater boldness and urgency. Your incredible gifts of encouragement, by word and deed, have not been given in vain. Our lives are changed because of you. Well done, sweet girl!

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